Complete Guide: The Pros and Cons of Ultrawide Monitors

Ultrawide monitors look impressive, sleek, and cool. But are they worth the investment? The answer is: Well, it depends.


In this complete guide to ultrawide monitors, we’ll discuss precisely what ultrawide monitors are, the pros and cons of this kind of display, and some examples we carry at The Monitor Lounge.

What is an Ultrawide Monitor, and Why Are They Popular?

When we're talking about an ultrawide monitor, we're primarily referring to a 34” display with a 21:9 aspect ratio. For most monitors, the common aspect ratio is 16:9, which is the standard for widescreens. So, with an ultrawide monitor, you have a resolution of minimally 2560x1080 instead of 1920x1080.


So this tells you just how much wider an ultrawide monitor really is! For an even more fun comparison, back in the early 1990s and 2000s, the standard aspect ratio was 4:3, so more like a square. So think about how far monitors have evolved. 


And the evolution continues. Even some ultrawide monitors have a 32:9 aspect ratio, completely engulfing your field of vision! This is still relatively new, so we're sticking with the 34" ultrawide monitors.


The Pros of Ultrawide Monitors

Considering the enormous width of ultrawide monitors, it can be easy to see why these monitors are so popular. Below are some of the pros of using an ultrawide monitor.

Boost in productivity

Since you have more horizontal space, you can fit more on the screen like various documents, email accounts, messaging apps, spreadsheets, editing software; the combinations are endless. Instead of having multiple displays, you could have one ultrawide monitor that can capture every necessary pixel.

Audio and video editing

We have to do a special section for audio and video editing because the ultrawide depth of this display makes editing so much easier. You can see more of the editing timeline at once, and it helps you keep track of large projects without having to scroll back and forth constantly during the editing process. You can also use the extra space to preview projects or look for related files off to the side.

Better viewing of movies and videos

The standard in videos and movies has been the 16:9 aspect ratio, but as Hollywood and other filmmakers begin to shoot in wider aspect ratios, that could mean the return of those black bars in the top and bottom of your screen.


With a 21:9 aspect ratio, there are no black bars. This is perfect if you're watching many videos at your desk or utilizing your display for movies. Plus, it's a much more immersive experience.

An immersive experience for most games

And speaking of immersive experiences, having a 34” ultrawide display is a dream for any gamer. These displays are the most popular among gamers because players gain a wider field of view, which is perfect for first-person and third-person shooter games.


The more expansive view is perfect for strategy games, like World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV. You have a broader perspective, and things will seem less cluttered. In addition, having an ultrawide monitor could be the competitive advantage you’ve been seeking!

The Cons of Ultrawide Monitors

But of course, this wouldn’t be a complete guide if we didn’t discuss some of the downsides of ultrawide monitors.

Not super great for programmers, writers, and artists

Most programmers, writers, and artists do their work vertically. Documents scroll vertically, programmers scroll code vertically, and digital artists and photographers usually work in portrait orientation.


So, having an ultrawide monitor probably doesn’t add too many advantages. Maybe more space to view some other items off to the side, but it doesn’t necessarily help make your job any easier.

Not the best for some games

As we said above, ultrawide monitors are great for most games, but unfortunately, not all.


Console gamers will be especially disappointed because consoles like Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5 do not support a 21:9 aspect ratio. Of course, you can still try to use an ultrawide monitor, but you’ll probably have large, weird letterboxes on each side of the screen.


Plus, some competitive sports may not look the best on an ultrawide display. Some gamers have shared odd perspectives and interfaces using an ultrawide monitor because some games are just not designed for the wider aspect ratio. Some games, such as Overwatch, purposely disabled the 21:9 ratio because they didn’t want to provide an unfair advantage to some players!


So before making this purchase, you'll want to double-check that a 34" monitor supports your favorite game.

No surprise, they take up a lot of space

This can be an issue if you don't have a lot of extra desk space to spare. It can make you feel more cramped having a 34" monitor, and if it's sitting too close, it can actually cause more harm to your eyes because you have to constantly strain your gaze back and forth.


So before investing, it's essential to double-check you have the desk space so you can use this monitor comfortably.


Requires more graphics

With a higher resolution, you'll need to make sure you have enough graphics to utilize an ultrawide monitor fully. Since it has around 34% more pixels than the standard 16:9 aspect ratio, you’re nearly at the equivalent of 4K resolution.


What Should You Look For in an Ultrawide Monitor?

The good news is that most ultrawide monitors today are equipped with the essential elements you need. Still, we recommend double-checking as you browse that the monitor has a resolution of 3440x1440 and a refresh rate of at least 120hz or better.


Deciding to go ultrawide also comes with another decision: Do you go curved? We previously discussed the advantages of going with a curved display, so it could be the additional boost you need to be the ultimate desktop or gaming warrior. Not only do they contribute to a more immersive experience, but also they are kinder to your eyes because your eyes don’t have to work as hard.


Iiyama G-Master 34” GB3466WQSU-B1 Curved LED Ultrawide Display

For example, The Monitor Lounge carries the 34” Red Eagle from iiyama. This ultrawide curved monitor is equipped with a refresh rate of 144Hz, 1ms MPRT, and 3440x1440 resolution. Additionally, it comes with an adjustable stand so you can customize it to the perfect height.


Iiyama G-Master 34” GB3461WQSU-B1 Ultrawide Display

If you choose not to go with a curved display, that’s no problem! We also carry the 34” Red Eagle that is a flat ultrawide monitor. It also has a refresh rate of 144Hz, 1ms MPRT, and 3440x1440 resolution.


Contact The Monitor Lounge For Your Next Ultrawide Monitor

If you have any questions about which ultrawide monitor is the best for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We would be more than happy to answer your questions and help you find the monitor that best fits your needs.